Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Blood of Jesus and Being Baptized Skit

Nick’s Sin-B-Gone Soap

Susanna: (Walking onstage) I wonder where Nick is. He was supposed to meet us here so we could get the garage cleaned this weekend.

Chrissy: I don’t know. I haven’t seen him.

(Backstage sound of explosion.)

Susanna: Whoa! What was that?

Chrissy: Sounded like an explosion inside your house.

Nick: (Stagers from behind stage. He’s holding a bar of soap and a test tube.) I’ve done it!

Susanna: What? Blow up the house. Boy are you going to get it. You know, no matter how nice the garage looks when we get done cleaning it, Mom will probably notice that her first floor is missing now.

Nick: The first floor is not missing. But I’m thinking we should put a skylight in my room sometime soon.

Chrissy: What did you do?

Nick: (Being overly modest.) Oh, just your average genius at work, really. Take a look for yourself. (He holds out the bar of soap for them and Susanna reads.)

Susanna: It says, Sin-B-Gone Soap. What’s that supposed to be?

Nick: It’s soap that washes away sins. You know, just add water, and wa-la. You’re clean as a whistle. I’m sure it works ‘cause I haven’t done anything wrong since I created it two minutes ago.

Susanna: Except blow a hole in the house.

Nick: Well, yeah. Except for that.

Susanna: I can’t believe you even tried to do this, Nick. You can’t make a bar of soap that will make your heart clean.

Nick: Why not?

Susanna: For one thing, soap only cleans your outsides.

Chrissy: The Bible says that only faith in the blood of Jesus can give us clean hearts. After Jesus gives us a new heart, the Bible also tells us to be baptized. Baptism, which is when you’re dipped down into the water, is like a picture of how the blood of Jesus has washed away our sins.

Nick: You mean my soap is just soap?

Chrissy: Right.

Nick: And I blew a hole in my ceiling for nothing.

Susanna: Right.

Nick: I think I’m in sooooo much trouble.

Chrissy: Right again!

Nick: Oh no!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Working Together Skit

The Triple Threat Chocolate Brownie Challenge

(Nick is working on some batter to make the Triple Threat Chocolate Brownies when Susanna comes on stage carrying several ingredients for a sundae.)

Nick: What ya’ got there?

Susanna: (Confidently) Only the ingredients for my Chocolate Bomb Sundae, which will be sure to win the desert competition at church.

Nick: Ha, ha, ha. You don’t stand a chance with my Triple Threat Chocolate Brownies in the competition.

Susanna: Don’t tell me you’re entering those. (Nick nods his head after every question.) The chocolate ones with the chocolate chips baked inside? And the chocolate sauce dribbled on top? Well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll still win because I’m going to use some secret ingredients in my sundae.

Nick: Like what?

Susanna: I’m not telling.

Nick: Sure, I’ll bet you don’t even know what you are going to do because you know I’ve got you beat already.

Susanna: Well….well…that goes to show you how much you don’t know. I’m going to have the most chocolatiest sundae ever, and it’s going to have an extra special treat on top.

Nick: Like what?

Susanna: I’m not telling you because you’ll just want to steal it so I don’t beat you.

Nick: Not a chance, sis. You’re going down. I’ll never lose with the Triple Threat.

Susanna: Oh, ho ho. So you think you can top me, huh? Well, just go right ahead and try. (Susanna exits and comes back in with a bag of Lindor Truffles.)

Nick: Hey! You can’t use those. They were dad’s birthday present. He makes them last for months.

Susanna: But he’ll let me use one because he loves me.

Nick: (To the audience) Oh, man. What am I going to do? She might actually beat me. (To Susanna) Well, it won’t matter. You’ll never beat me anyway. (Nick edges closer as he talks and snatches the bag)

Susanna: Hey! Give those back!

(Susanna chases Nick and they yell at each other while playing keep away with the bag)

Savannah: Oh, come on! Every time I come over here, you two are at it again! What’s the problem this time?

Susanna: He stole my chocolate truffles!

Nick: They’re not your truffles! They’re dad’s truffles!

Susanna: Give em’ back! (Susanna lunges for the bag.)

Savannah: (Breaking up the fight and taking the bag herself) Stop! Just tell me what’s going on. I know Susanna wouldn’t just take your dad’s chocolates to eat them.

Nick: I’m going to win the desert competition at church, and she thinks that if she uses the truffles she can beat me.

Susanna: And you know I can, or you wouldn’t have tried to stop me!

Nick: Doesn’t matter. I’ll beat you anyway. Eat my crumbs!

Susanna: In your dreams, chocolate boy. All you’ll get is the left over melted ice cream.

Savannah: Would you two give it up for once? Can’t you ever work together? Friends work together. And brothers and sisters should be best friends. Why don’t you two combine your brownie and sundae desserts to see if you can win the prize together.

Nick: What!? Are you nuts?!

Susanna: Hey, that’s not a bad idea.

Nick: How?

Savanna: Nick, you make your Triple Threat Brownies and then top it off with Susanna’s Chocolate Bomb Sundae. You could even mix some of the brownie pieces into the ice cream.

Nick: Hey, that just might work. We could call it the Triple Threat Chocolate Bomb Brownie Sundae.

Susanna: But I think we should try it first.

Savannah: Yeah, it might need several tests to make sure it’s just right. I’ll volunteer to help with the tasting.

Nick: Somehow I knew we could count on you. Let's go! (They all exit)

Offering Skit—Bobby Bling and Chloe Starr, part 5

Seed Time Game Show, Part 5

Voice: Welcome to the Sow Your Seed Game Show with your favorite hostesses and mine, Bobby Bling and Chloe Starr!

(Chloe Starr enters to cheering audience and game show music. Bobby is late and struggles through the curtain.)

Bobby: I’m here. I’m here. Let the fun begin!

Chloe: (To Bobby) Bobby, are you saying that we aren’t allowed to have fun without you?

Bobby: Well...yeah. I mean, who would want to anyway. Don’t we have a rule like that around here?

Chloe: (Shaking her head) Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.

Bobby: (Clueless) Whaty, whaty, whaty?

Chloe: Never mind. Boys and girls, it’s time for the Sow Your Seed Game Show. Are you ready? (Response) Great! This is your big chance to win kid cash by answering questions about sowing.

Bobby: Oh! (Raising her hand and waving wildly) Can I say something now?

Chloe: Go ahead.

Bobby: Remember to raise your hand, kids, so you don’t get disqualified when you know the answer.

Chloe: Very good, Bobby. Do you have the first question?

Bobby: Here we go. Where do I have to put my seed in order for it to grow? A) My dresser drawer, B) my shoe, or C) the offering box. (Kids respond) And the correct answer is C. The seed has to go where God says it will grow. Plant seeds go into dirt. Money seeds go into the offering.

Chloe: These kids are sharp. Next question. If a man sows carrot seed, what will he reap? The choices are A) chocolate milk shakes, B) carrots, or C) burgers and fries. (Kids respond) Right! The correct answer is B. The Bible tells us that whatever we sow is what we will reap.

Bobby: Wow! I think I’ll shoot for that chocolate milk shake harvest.

Chloe: Last question, Bobby.

Bobby: Right, Chloe. When I tithe, who does this honor? A) The mailman, B) my little brother, or C) God. (Response) Correct! We honor God from the first of what we have. He’s given us every good thing, and our tithe shows that we understand ALL that blessing comes from Him.

Chloe: That’s all we have time for today, kids. See you next time!

Bobby: (Dramatic pose) We’ll be back.

Chloe: C’mon, Bobby. I think your agent is calling.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

François and Ernie Salt of the Earth Skit

François and Ernie Make Ze Chocolate Mousse

Props: Table, bowl, large container of salt, whisk, spoon, instant chocolate pudding, small container of milk, two aprons, one chef hat

(François the Chef walks into class and stands by a table which is set up with some of the props for a cooking show.)

François: (Heavy French accent.) And today we make ze chocolate mousse which is as light as a feather. Ummmm!

(Assistant enters with a bowl and untensils, but trips and falls into the chef.)

François: (Upset) What are you doing, charging into my kitchen like a herd of buffaloes?

Ernie: Um, I'm your new assistant, Ernie. I need to learn to cook.

François: (Adamantly.) You need to learn to walk! (Quick change to smiling and friendly as he faces the audience.) So today, we have ze chocolate mousse. First, we put ze secret chocolate mix into ze bowl. Zen we pour in ze milk from ze cow zat says, "moooo." Zen we add a pinch of salt.

Ernie: Don't we need more than just a pinch?

François: (Firmly.) No! Just a pinch is all zat is necessary. Too much and we will have ze salt mousse instead of ze chocolate mousse. (Adds a pinch of salt and hands the container to Ernie.)

Ernie: I like things to be salty. I think it needs more salt. (Tries to add a little more salt.)

(The chef and Fred struggle for a moment, resulting in the entire container being dumped into the bowl.)

François: (Very upset.) Now you see! Now we have ze salt mousse that makes the people say, "Yucky, yucky, yucky!"

Ernie: (Trying to be helpful.) Well, I'll probably like it.

François: Auuuuggh! (Grabs Ernie by the ear and berates him while leading him off stage.) Ze salt mousse is ze yucky mousse. Yucky, yucky, yucky...

Teacher: Well kids, salt is definitely a very powerful substance, as Ernie the chef's new assistant found out today. Remember that we're supposed to be the salt of the earth. That means when you make Jesus your Savior, you will affect everyone and everything around you. As you tell others about Him, it will change their lives.

Monday, September 14, 2009

True Forgiveness Skit

None of us deserve the forgiveness Jesus has for us, so aren't we glad He's given it to us as a free gift? There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God!

True Forgiveness Skit

Props: Three sandwich bags, each with a plain donut, a plastic bat, and a ball

Susanna: Hey, Nick. I have something for you.

Nick: (Suspicious) Like what?

Savannah: Oh, brother. You are so paranoid!

Nick: With good reason.

Susanna: Look, Nick. I know that you poured jello in my shoes as a practical joke, but I forgive you. I have a present for you to prove it.

Savannah: Yeah, we went to the donut shop.

Susanna: I bought you a donut. Here. (She and Savannah exit with similar bags)

Nick: Wow. I can't believe Susanna forgave me for doing that to her. (He starts to open the bag, but stops.) Hold it! I know what this is. This is a trick. She's just trying to get me back for all the jokes I've done in the past. Rule numero uno of being a brother: Never trust your sister!

(Nick drops the bag on the ground and starts to beat it up with a bat.)

Nick: Ha! Take that! And that! No one fools the Nickster. Ha! (He hears the girls coming back, so he grabs the bag and hides it behind his back.)

Savannah: (Eating her donut.) This is soooo good. I love donuts.

Susanna: (Taking a big bite.) Me too. See you, Nick. We'll be at the park.

(Nick is stunned and watches the girls exit.)

Nick: It's not possible, is it? (He opens the bag and dumps out the mess that was once a donut.) Oh no! (Exit)

Teacher: I guess Nick didn't really believe that he was forgiven, did he? (Kids answer no.) That's probably because he knew that pouring jello in Susanna's shoes wasn't right. He knew that he deserved to get in trouble, so he was surprised when she forgave him instead.

We don't deserve to be forgiven either, because none of us could ever be good enough to go to heaven on our own. But God sent Jesus to earth to pay for the sins of everyone. Isn't it awesome that God loves us so much that he made a way for us to be forgiven?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Salt of the Earth Skit

This Needs Salt!

Props: Two muffins and the Hungry Bob costume of a large plaid flannel shirt and a pillow for fake stomach

Teacher: Hi, kids. Do you know what I have today? (Holds up a plate with two muffins on it.) I have two muffins here. Do you see them? (Yes.) Do they look the same? (Children will say yes.) I have a secret to tell you—they aren't really the same. There's something that makes them very different from each other, even though they seem to be the same on the outside.

Hungry Bob: (Sticks his head in the classroom.) Did I hear the word "muffin"? (He sees the muffins on the plate in the teacher's hand and runs toward the food.) Foooooooood!

(As Hungry Bob reaches the plate, the teacher lifts it up and he misses, rushing underneath. He's surprised and wonders where the muffins went. When he realizes the teacher still has them, he again runs toward the plate, and each time he does this, the teacher lifts it out of his way while talking to the children and seeming not to notice Bob.)

Teacher: Even though these muffins are the same size, color, and shape, they are different. The person who eats them will know that they are not the same. (Finally talking to Hungry Bob.) Hungry Bob, are you hungry?

Bob: (Out of breath from running back and forth.) Uh huh!

Teacher: Would you like a muffin?

(Hungry Bob nods his head emphatically. The teacher hands him the muffin that has no salt. Hungry Bob takes a big bite as she continues talking to the children.)

Teacher: The muffin I just gave Hungry Bob has no salt in it. (Hungry Bob writhes in agony over the awful taste of a muffin with no salt. He searches in vain for somewhere to get rid of the muffin in his mouth, but eventually has to just swallow it or run from the room.) Salt is very important. When there isn't salt in food, it doesn't taste good.

Bob: (Grumbling) That was not very nice!

Teacher: The Bible says that we are the salt of the earth. When we tell others how Jesus loves them and what He's done for them, we change the lives of the people around us just like salt changes food. (To Hungry Bob) You were a good sport, Hungry Bob. I'd like to give you the muffin with salt in it. Here. This one will taste good. (Bob grabs the muffin and runs out of the room.) The world is hungry for Jesus. Let's remember to be salt this week!

Offering Skit—Bobby Bling and Chloe Starr, part 4

Seed Time Game Show, Part 4

Voice: Welcome to the Sow Your Seed Game Show with your favorite hostesses and mine, Bobby Bling and Chloe Starr!

(Enter to cheering audience and game show music.)

Bobby: Listen to that applause. Do you think I could get a recording of that? I want to put it on my CD alarm clock so I wake up to it every morning.

Chloe: (To Bobby) No, I think hearing it just once a week has done enough damage. Hey, kids! Welcome to the number one game show in the Preschool classroom: the Sow Your Seed Game Show!

Bobby: The show where you sow.

Chloe: This is your big chance to win kid cash by answering questions about sowing. Put on your thinking caps, because we have some tough questions for you this week.

Bobby: Hey, I didn’t know I needed a cap.

Chloe: That’s okay, Bobby. The kids will do the thinking today. Remember to raise your hand, kids, so you don’t get disqualified when you know the answer. Bobby, will you do the honors and read the first question?

Bobby: Sure. How do we know that God loves us? A) He always sends us a card on our birthday, B) He gave us His only Son Jesus, or C) He gives us flowers if we’re sick. (Kids respond) And the correct answer is B. God loved us so much that He gave us His Son Jesus. That’s some awesome gift! Because we know how much God loves us, we can show how we love and trust Him by giving to Him. Giving is a great way to show love!

Chloe: Here comes question number two. How can a man rob God? Here are the choices: A) by not telling the truth, B) by eating His sandwich when He’s not looking, or C) by not giving God the first tenth of what you make. (Kids respond) Right! The correct answer is C. The first dime of every dollar we make belongs to God. To honor God, we give Him the very first of what we have.

Bobby: Yeah, when you believe that God will bless you just like He says, it’s easy to give.

Chloe: That’s right, Bobby.

Bobby: Wow. We’re down to the last question already. What does my giving show God? Your choices are: A) He has my full attention, B) He can come and stay at our house any time, or C) He also has my heart. (Kids respond) Correct! The answer is C. What God wants more than anything is your heart. When you give Him your tithe, it shows Him that He also has your heart. Where ever your treasure is, there is your heart also.

Chloe: That’s all we have time for today, kids. See you next time!

Bobby: Soooooow long. Get it, Chloe? Sow long?

Chloe: I sooooo need to get you off this stage. Bye kids!

Offering Skit—Bobby Bling and Chloe Starr, part 3

Seed Time Game Show, Part 3

Voice: Welcome to the Sow Your Seed Game Show with your favorite hostesses and mine, Bobby Bling and Chloe Starr!

(Enter to cheering audience and game show music.)

Bobby: Week after week they come back for more. They love me!

Chloe: Bobby, someday you’re going to figure out that you are not the center of everything.

Bobby: (Not phased by this info and still with a million dollar smile.) You are so funny! I have no intention of figuring that out.

Chloe: (Big sigh) Boys and girls, welcome to the number one game show in the Preschool classroom: the Sow Your Seed Game Show!

Bobby: And it is show time once again.

Chloe: This is your big chance to win kid cash by answering questions about sowing. I hope you brought your answers, because we have some awesome questions for you this week.

Bobby: That’s right. Pull those answers out of your pocket because here we go!

Chloe: And remember kids, raise your hand to answer so you don’t get disqualified.

Bobby: Here’s my first question. Which one of these people will get a harvest? A) People who put ALL their money in the bank, B) people who hide ALL their money in a mattress, or C) people who bring their tithes and offerings to God. (Kids respond.) And the correct answer is, C. You can’t reap if you don’t give to God! Banks are okay, but not for ALL your money. Always give the first to God.

Chloe: Ready for another one? According to the Bible, what will happen to a generous man? Your choices are: A) he’ll win a bicycle, B) he’ll be blessed, or C) he’ll get an A on his report card. (Kids respond.) Right! The answer is B. The Bible tells us that the generous man is himself watered, or blessed.

Bobby: Now for the final question. In a giving situation, who really gets the biggest blessing? Your choices? A) the giver, B) the receiver, or C) the person who does nothing at all. (Kids respond.) Correct! The answer is A. God is so awesome that He has set giving so that the more you give, the more blessed you are. The real blessing comes to the giver!

Chloe: That’s all we have time for today, kids. Remember to keep on sowing.

Bobby: Cause sowing is soooooo great!

Chloe: I think you’re getting better at this Bobby.

Bobby: (Million dollar smile for the cheering crowds) Of course I am! I can’t help it. I just love sowing! (Blowing kisses to the kids as Chloe pushes her off-stage.) You’re awesome! I love you all! See you next time!

Offering Skit—Bobby Bling and Chloe Starr, part 2

The Bible says a lot about giving, and a nugget of truth in each class period will go a long way in preparing children to be blessed as adults because of a lifetime of sowing good seed.

Seed Time Game Show, Part 2

Voice: Welcome to the Sow Your Seed Game Show with your favorite hostesses and mine, Bobby Bling and Chloe Starr!

(Enter to cheering audience and game show music.)

Bobby: Thank you! Thank you! You know they all came just to see me! It’s so great!

Chloe: Oh, please, Bobby. Can you just be realistic for a minute?

Bobby: (Not phased by this info and still with a million dollar smile.) I am so real it’s not even funny. Thank you! Thank you! Let the fun begin!

Chloe: (Big sigh) Boys and Girls, we want to welcome you to the Sow Your Seed Game Show.

Bobby: The show where we sow!

Chloe: You said that last week, Bobby. Anyway, are you all ready to win some kid cash by answering questions about sowing? Great!

Bobby: Here we go!

Chloe: And remember kids, you have to raise your hand to answer so you don’t get disqualified.

Bobby: Tell me what is missing from this statement: The Bible says whatever a man sows, that will he also ___(fill in the blank)___. Can you tell me what belongs? Your choices are A) reap, B) eat, or C) a buy at the store? (Children respond.) And the correct answer is, A. Whatever you sow is also what you will REAP! Great job!

Chloe: My turn. My question is, where does a seed have to go in order to grow? Your choices are A) the library, B) the mall, or C) the ground. (Children respond) Right! The answer is C. Your seed has to go into the ground. It doesn’t matter how much seed you have in your hand. Until you plant it, it will not grow.

Bobby: Now for the final question. What is a good seed to plant? A) donut seed, B) money seed, or C) weed seed. (Children respond) Correct! The answer is B. You have to be very careful about what you sow. Donuts can’t grow, and no one wants weeds. But when you plant your money in God’s kingdom, it will grow and bless others and you too!

Chloe: That’s all we have time for today, kids. Remember to keep on sowing.

Bobby: And keep on sowing.

Chloe: Why do you always say that?

Bobby: (Million dollar smile for the cheering crowds) Because I’m just so me! I love you all! Thank you! Thank you!

Offering Skit—Bobby Bling and Chloe Starr, part 1

Most curriculums don't contain offering messages for children, so I'm including some on this blog. It's very important to teach children the power behind their giving, and that it's a system set up by God so each person can reap a future harvest. Teaching this to children will prevent them from becoming adults who have limited themselves from experiencing all the blessing God has provided for them by being fearful in the area of giving. Instead, they will understand that giving is designed by God to bless them on the earth.

Giving is a seed that produces a double harvest: seed for more sowing (so we can continue to be a blessing to others), and bread for food (so our own needs can be met). Giving honors God. It helps keep our hearts on Him. And giving is just plain fun! I hope you enjoy all the skits and object lessons that I put on this blog.

Seed Time Game Show, Part 1

Voice: Welcome to the Sow Your Seed Gameshow with your favorite hostesses and mine, Bobby Bling and Chloe Starr!

(Enter to cheering audience and game show music.)

Bobby: Thank you! Thank you! They love me. Thank you!

Chloe: They’re cheering for me too, Bobby.

Bobby: (Not phased by this info and still with a million dollar smile.) Who cares. Thank you! Thank you! On with the show.

Chloe: (Big sigh) Boys and girls, we want to welcome you to the first ever Sow Your Seed Game Show.

Bobby: The show where we sow!

Chloe: Clever, Bobby. Anyway, we’re going to ask some questions, and you’re going to answer them. If you’re right, you win Kid Cash!

Bobby: Cool! Let’s play!

Chloe: Remember kids, you have to raise your hand to answer so you don’t get disqualified. Here’s the first question: If you sow a seed, what do you get? Your choices are A) nothing, B) a back ache, or C) a harvest? (Response from kids) And the correct answer is, C. You get a harvest when you sow seed.

Bobby: My turn. My question is, if you sow a carrot seed, what kind of harvest will you get? A) watermelons, B) carrots, or C) donuts. (Response from kids) Right! B) Carrots is the correct answer. You’re going to get the same thing you planted every time, so watch out for the seed you sow!

Chloe: Now for the final question. When does seed time actually work? A) as long as the earth remains, B) sometimes, or C) just on Tuesdays. (Response from kids) Correct! The answer is A. God promises that as long as the earth is here, we will have seed time!

Bobby: These kids are sharp!

Chloe: That’s all we have time for today, kids. Remember to keep on sowing.

Bobby: And keep on sowing.

Chloe: I already said that.

Bobby: (Million dollar smile for the cheering crowds as Chloe pulls her off stage.) Whatever! Bye! Thank you! Thank you! They love me! Bye!